Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ludacris giveth, Jordan taketh away

Chris "Ludacris" Bridges has always been one of my favorite rappers. I always thought his music was fun and silly, and then Release Therapy came out and it completely changed my view of this man. This was an album that was not only awesome, but insightful. As Luda started breaking into acting, I only got more intrigued by him. I started doing some research as to how he came up in the rap game and found that he not only wrote and produced his own music, but he released his records through the label he created. He sold his albums out of the trunk of his car around Atlanta for people to get to know him. Impressive. So, all in all I started seeing that Luda was this really great person, as well as a talented rapper and actor.

Why am I telling you this and why should you care?


Luda has done it again. He created an essay contest, coupled with a local Atlanta dealership, and gave about 20 cars to people who wrote in about their struggles and why they need a new car. This is philanthropy at its finest and I thought you all should know about it.

On the Michael Jordan front...he's getting put into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. Now, why do I say "Jordan taketh away"? Only because he took the opportunity to present this prestigious award away from the many people who helped him along the way. He didn't pick his UNC coach Dean Smith, or his NBA coach Phil Jackson. He picked a man who was before his time and was someone he never worked with directly. David Thompson. Now, I admit that I didn't know who this guy was before I read this article, but David Thompson was "Michael Jordan before Michael Jordan."

You can view the article here: http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=mc-thompsonjordan090709&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

The reason why I think this is awesome is that Michael Jordan, arguably the best basketball player of all time, is paying homage to those that came before him. I truly believe that every individual needs to remember and appreciate all those that came before them. It doesn't matter what the situation is, but it is always important to remember that you couldn't be where you are today if it wasn't for the people that lived and breathed before you.

So...thank you Ludacris and thank you Michael Jordan for reminding us about the little ways to make a difference.

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